Company details

Owner of website and responsible for website content:

Registration no.: 1685252
Company register court: District court in Ljubljana (Srg: 2001/19027, Share nr. 1/35651/00)
VAT ID: SI18571727

Registration no.: 5387418
Company register court: District court in Ljubljana (Srg: 95/05910, Share nr. 1/07263/00)
VAT ID: SI21825912

Owners structure - AGC Consultatio d.o.o.Share in %
Maja Barišić, direktorica in pooblaščena revizorka49 %
Consultatio Holding International Wirtschaftsprüfung GmbH51 %
Lastniška struktura - GS Consultatio d.o.o.Delež v %
Consultatio Holding International Wirtschaftsprüfung GmbH100 %


Address: Ulica Jana Husa 1a, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel: +386 (0)1 542 37 01
Fax: +386 (0)1 544 66 13
E-mail: info(at) 


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Note: The services provided by the CONSULTATIO are subject to the International Accounting StandardsSlovenian Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards.